Spring Makeover: Tips, Tools & Giveaways! Oh My!

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Spring is finally in the air and what better way to celebrate then to do some….you guessed it, CLEANING! Wait! Before you close this post, I know what you’re thinking because I thought it too.  But this time of year is more than just out with the old and in with the new.  Spring is a time to refresh, recharge and reinvigorate your life in all facets.

What is cluttering your life that you know needs to be organized or all together removed?  I can think of several things right now.  To kick off my spring cleaning ritual, I started with a makeover of my schedule.  For the past two months, I have been forgetting important dates, time with family & friends, dates with Jesus (I KNOW RIGHT) and quality time with my husband.  I learned so much about me and came to realize that I cannot, I repeat, I cannot organize my schedule in my head.  And as much as I love technology, I cannot schedule everything in these apps I have.  #icant So what’s a girl to do?  This week, I went back to an old paper and pencil method.  There is something about the art of writing that turns me on! I created this weekly scheduler to remind me of IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES/EVENTS/APPOINTMENTS-doctor appointments, date night, family night, scripture reading, prayer time.  As I complete tasks, I cross them off the list. Done!

One exciting thing I love about spring cleaning is revamping my house.  It desperately needed some TLC in many areas.  Organization was must so my husband worked on the garage and I updated the decor.  For this I had to check in with my good friend, Keisha.  She is a GURU for home design, organization and much more.  She recommends that when you start spring cleaning with your house, change your scents based on the seasons.  So if you are a candle girl like me, go to Bath & Body Works and check out their new scents. Oh my god do they smell springy! Spring cleaning also means getting organized so create more space by using bins, baskets and storage containers in places like the closets, bathrooms, and cabinets.  Keisha has purchased organizational bins from places like Wal-Mart, Amazon and even the Dollar Tree.

For those of you who have already started spring cleaning and you find that you have some dead space like I did, she gave me some great ideas for revamping the foyer and window areas with benches, baskets, and pillows.  Don’t make these changes without giving yourself a budget. And to save money, check out the online clearance sections of places like Target, Wal-Mart, and Kirklands where you will find some amazing decor for a low price.  Plus you can have it shipped to the store for FREE.

In the spirit of spring cleaning, I’m having a spring cleaning contest and giving away Spring-scented candles and a Kirklands gift card to a few lucky loyal readers.  All you have to do is comment with your tips and go-to tools for spring cleaning to be entered. 

Be sure to share this post with a friend on social media using hashtag #onefaithjourney.

Be inspired & remember, you gotta have faith!

Tamika W.

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6 thoughts on “Spring Makeover: Tips, Tools & Giveaways! Oh My!

  1. Another organizational/cleaning tip is to throw away, donate or sell your items before bringing new things in. That way the clutter stays tamed. That’s the point of cleaning out, right? Lol I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s so worth it.


    1. Oh my gosh! That’s such an important tip. I love getting rid of things when spring cleaning too! I just have to remember when bringing in something new get rid of the old 🙂


  2. I love spring cleaning as well… And
    I actually just love to declutter! Even if my home isn’t as organized as I would like it to be, knowing that my home is filled with things that my husband and I use on a regular basis and actually need is refreshing in and of itself!

    One tip that has really helped me and something that may help others who are living in smaller spaces is to find dual functionality in some areas of your home. For example, we are able to save space in our smaller living room by using an ottoman that actually opens up into a larger storage area. The ottoman is also large enough and comfortable enough to be seating for extra guests it’s when we have them. Even more, if we have company coming over and we really want our living room area to look clean in a pinch, there is enough storage inside the ottoman that we can quickly put away little odds and ends to refresh the space!


  3. Every month I pull clothes from our closet and the boys closet to give away. I have the boys donate toys too which they surprisingly do willingly. This way, spring cleaning doesn’t involve purging because it’s something we always do.


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